Regarding Domain Name Sales 

Our domain names are now for sale through

Please submit your inquiries via Afternic.

If the domain is not yet listed at Afternic (we are working on getting all our domains listed there), inquire through brokerage at Afternic.

They will let us know that a query has been submitted, and we will promptly list your desired domain.

Thank You!

Showing posts with label Product Names. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Product Names. Show all posts and – Xlert and Exlert -- Xlert
___________ -- Exlert

Distrust and caution are the parents of security.
– Benjamin Franklin

Xlert/Exlert offers your business the opportunity of having and eating your brand cake.
The sweet, short, and cool brandable “Xlert” (5 letters) can represent your primary company while (6 letters) can be redirected to, your main portal.
You might ask, “Why would I need Why not just”
Here’s why: When you advertise your business on the radio or speak your company name over the telephone to potential clients, they will likely hear and visualize “Exlert,” not “Xlert.”
But when you own and use both terms, how customers hear and visualize Xlert won’t matter a whit. You will not need to waste time spelling out your company name –
 And the old cliché goes, “Time is Money.”
“Xlert” could be developed into a business that specializes in security products and/or services, either as an online store selling security gadgets, a bricks-and-mortar detective agency, or a security software company specializing in anti-virus and other internet services. Indeed, the logos we have created suggest these types of usage.  
From a branding standpoint, we feel that of the Xlert and Exlert terms, Xlert is the strongest, but, of course, usage will be up to the buyer. 
Business names beginning with the letter “X” seems to be the new “i” or “e”; for example, well-known companies, such as Xfinity, Xcel, and Xerox, have enthusiastically embraced “X” to lead their brand names.
As of May 16, 2014, neither XLert or Exlert appears on the (U.S. trademarks) and (global trademarks).


Domains are for sale at -- Vicycle -- ViCycle or Vicycle

Life is like a 10-speed bicycle. Most of us have gears we never use.
— Charles Schultz, creator of the Peanuts cartoon strip.
_________________________ – Vicycle, a 7-letter term, is short, brandable, and pronounceable, offering many potential uses as a brandable name. Company names beginning with “Vi” are popular because of its colorful and vibrant connotations, such as Vivatar, Vizio, and Visa.

“Vicycle” would be perfect for a bicycle or fitness equipment manufacturer or shop; in short, this term could represent a large manufacturing company, national or regional chain, or a mom and pop shop.

Vicycle could also extend beyond its obvious uses; this would be a fine name for a software company or gaming startup.

Vicycle is also a common typo for “bicycle,” the “V” being directly left to the “B” on the qwerty keyboard. Indeed, Google has indexed “Vicycle” pages, where users have obviously used the term to mean “bicycle.”

As of March 10, 2014, no trademarks for ViCycle were found on or, the main “go-to” websites for conducting trademark searches. However, a Google search reveals some common law usage for this term (blankets manufactured from recycled material) and a government-sponsored bicycle recycling program (“Vi-Cycle”) for Visalia, California

At least one site has coined “Vicycle” as a generic term, merged from “Vehicle” + “Bicycle,” a shorthand for both vehicles and bicycles. 

In short, is always prudent to conduct your own extensive search before committing to any product or company name.

Domain is for sale at